Sunday, September 11, 2011

More Rubber

I haven't posted anything for awhile so here's a few pictures of some various colors that has come out of the shop in the past week or so. Some new ones, some old ones, some natural ones, some bright ones, from mild to wild........

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Little Time On The Water

A friend and I took a little time to get out on the water today. It has been quite some time since I've had the chance to get out and fish. Even though the air temps were about 35 degrees lower than what they've been for the last several months, with low hanging clouds and almost constant light rain with a strong sustained wind with gusts to around 40 mph, we were lucky enough to move several fish. This is the largest of 3 fish we boated today, this one was a touch over 38" and while not a big fish by any means.....a respectable fish by my standards and I was very happy to get it. With fall inching closer every day, this is hopefully a small sample of things to come.