I haven't posted anything for a few days so here is some that have come through the paint room in that time. The colors are Firetiger...(these will end up in my boat for an upcoming trip) Orange Tiger Custom Orange Tail Firetiger Chartreuse Pikie Perch
A few pics of a customer designed perch pattern in the 9", 12" and 15" size shad bodies. If you look really close you can see that they have lots of gold detail on these. (Click on a photo for a larger view.)
Here is a couple pics that were sent to me from my friend Joe. Those are a couple really nice fish. Thanks for sharing the photos with us Joe Keep up the good work.
Hello there and let me welcome you to my blog. Please feel free to look around at the fish and lure photos, read some of the posts and be sure to checkout some of the links of interest. If you see a bait you like. One you would like to have for your collection, just email me, chances are it is for sale, if that one is not, I can probably make you one like it.
I like for my visitors to be a part of this site so if you see something you like let me know. If you have a question or a comment or something you would like to share with the other readers just send me an email and I'll see what I can do to get it posted. If you like what you see, then recommend it to your friends or link your site to it. I hope you enjoy your time here and hurry back. Thanks Jeff