Hey Folks,
I just got word that the solid pearl white Double Dawgs that we special ordered from Musky Innovations many months ago are finally available at Musky Tackle Online, (MTO) http://muskytackleonline.com/ These were especially ordered in a solid pearl white color so it would provide a good base to paint on. While these Double Dawgs are great new baits... the factory only produces them in a few basic colors....and those colors are a real pain to paint over.
If you are interested in getting one of these new Double Dawgs painted in one of your favorite custom colors, just contact Aaron at MTO and place your order as soon as possible. There is only a very few of these baits available and when they're gone no more will be available.
For custom painting just have Aaron send me the baits when you order them and I'll paint them in any color/pattern you might want. The cost for the paint work will be $10.00 plus shipping.
If you have any questions just shoot me an email.